Ear Mites in Cats

Ear mites in cats are common, contagious parasites that cause the ears to produce a waxy discharge, making cats itch. The small mites are hard to see, so you'll need your veterinarian to identify them and prescribe some medicine to get your cat feeling better.
Read on to learn more about ear mites—what causes them, how to get rid of them, and how to keep them from spreading.
What Are Ear Mites?
Ear mites are tiny parasites that live inside cats' ear canals and cause severe irritation and itchiness of cats' ears. The most common ear mite in cats is Otodectes cynotis. Therefore, an infestation of ear mites is sometimes called "otodectic mange." They're generally too small to see with the naked eye, but under a magnifying device they appear as little white specks moving around in the ear.
In the ear canal, ear mites feed on ear wax and skin oils. Their presence causes inflammation and can also lead to secondary ear infections. The mites lay eggs in the ear that take about three weeks to hatch and develop into adult mites that can reproduce.
Signs of Ear Mites in Cats
The most common signs of ear mites in cats include:
Dark, Smelly Ear Discharge
A dark substance—waxy or crusty—sitting in your cat's ears is the hallmark characteristic of ear mites. The discharge looks a bit like coffee grounds because it's a mixture of ear wax, blood, and secretions from mites.
Head Shaking
You can tell your cat has ear mites if they're frequently and vigorously shaking their head. That's their way of trying to get the mites out of their ears. (You'd do the same.)
Scratching at Ears
This is another attempt to get the mites out. If your cat is constantly and aggressively scratching or rubbing their ears, check inside for ear discharge. Ear mites are likely living inside. The intense itching sensation your cat may have is likely caused by the feeling of mite droppings inside the ear and on the skin.
If your cat is scratching their ears non-stop, the skin around the ears will turn red or lose its hair.
Unusual Amount of Body Scratching
While ear mites are generally found in the ears, they can also wander out onto the body, causing irritation and itchiness of the skin as well. Irritation of other parts of the body results in an unusual amount of scratching.
What Causes Ear Mites in Cats?
Cats acquire ear mites when the contagious parasites spread through direct contact between animals. Cats can catch ear mites from affected cats—like kittens who cuddle together—or the environment, including shared bedding or grooming equipment.
Ear mites are commonly seen in cats who have spent time in shelters or in close proximity to other infested cats. Likewise, outdoor cats are more likely to become afflicted with ear mites.
How Do Vets Diagnose Ear Mites in Cats?
Veterinarians diagnose ear mites by examining the cat's ear wax or crusty discharge. They can do that by looking inside your cat's ear with a magnifying scope (otoscope) or they can pry some of the discharge from the cat's ear and look at it under a microscope.
Confirming the presence of the mites is necessary to distinguish ear mites from other ear infections, such as yeast infections, so don't try to diagnose them at home. Always consult a veterinarian before beginning any course of treatment.
How To Treat Ear Mites
Medication prescribed by your veterinarian is the best way to treat ear mites. Some newer anti-parasite medications require only a single application to be effective, so you can quickly relieve your cat of this annoyance.
First, however, your cat will need their ears cleaned. That can help clear the discharge, calm the irritation, and remove some of the mites. Then comes the medicine.
Your cat may only need one dose of a topical medication to eradicate the infestation, but you may consider using it monthly to prevent reinfection and control other pests. Of course, only do that if your veterinarian tells you.
You may also have to treat your cat's ear with medicine several times to fully remove the mites. Your vet might also opt for injectable ivermectin (its use for ear mites is off the label).
It is important to strictly follow your vet's recommended dosage schedule for the successful treatment of ear mites. Though more time-consuming to apply, some medications can calm inflammation and treat secondary bacterial or yeast infections.
Even if they are not showing symptoms, all pets in the home, including dogs, should be treated at the same time.
Prognosis for Cats with Ear Mites
Untreated cats can experience bacterial infections, damaged ear canals, and potential deafness. Cats who receive timely treatment typically respond well. However, if your cat has a persistent problem with mites, their skin may become oily, flaky, and thickened, and sores may develop that turn crusty or oozy. That will require additional treatment from your vet.
Sometimes, the mites can cause your cat to scratch so much that blood vessels in the ear rupture, which may require surgery.
How to Prevent Ear Mites
The best prevention against ear mites is to keep your cat indoors. If your cat is an indoor-outdoor cat, the best defense is to keep your pet's bedding and toys clean, take them for regular vet appointments, and stay aware of your cat's behavior so you can recognize any signs.
Are Ear Mites Contagious to Humans?
Humans can attract ear mites, but they do not survive for long periods on humans and fail to cause long-term infections. Very rarely, however, ear mites may transiently hang out on humans—on arms or extremities—and produce a rash.
How did my indoor cat get ear mites?
Other animals can bring the ear mites inside the house and infect indoor cats, and cats can pick them up if they travel to other places with potentially infected animals—like a shelter, boarder, or even the vet's office.
Can I treat ear mites at home?
You shouldn't treat your cat's ear mites at home. Over-the-counter medications and DIY treatments are often less effective or require extended treatment times compared to medications prescribed by your vet.