15 Common Kitten Diseases and Disorders

Kittens are subject to many different diseases, just like any baby animal with an immature immune system and exposure to many new things in the environment. Some conditions may be congenital or inherited, while many others are infectious including viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections. Fortunately, kitten vaccinations can protect against many of the most deadly diseases. Learn how to detect, treat, and prevent some of the most common kitten diseases.
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Upper Respiratory Infections
Upper respiratory infections in kittens are often caused by viruses such as feline herpes virus (rhinotracheitis) and feline calicivirus. These viruses can cause sneezing, nasal discharge, and conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye).They are highly contagious and most cats will be exposed to them at some point. Fortunately, there are core vaccines for both of these viruses. For cats who are already vaccinated, they tend to have milder symptoms if they are exposed later in life.
Some upper respiratory infections can be caused by bacteria, with the most common causes being Bordetella, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydia species. Cats with bacterial infections tend to have nasal discharge that appears milky in color due to a combination of pus and mucus. These cats will likely need to be treated with antibiotics. The chlamydia infections seen in cats are not the same as the sexually transmitted disease of humans, but it may cause conjunctivitis in humans in rare cases.
Many cats will not need medical treatment if they have symptoms of a respiratory infection, however, if they stop eating, seem to have difficulty breathing, or have signs of conjunctivitis (squinting their eyes, holding their eyes shut, or rubbing at their eyes), they should be examined by a veterinarian.
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Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper)
Panleukopenia is a highly contagious parvovirus that targets cells of the bone marrow as well as the cells that line the intestine, which can lead to severe vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and sepsis (blood infection). It is transmitted through bodily secretions and can survive in the environment for a long time. Panleukopenia is especially dangerous in large groups of unvaccinated cats where it can spread quickly.
Treating panleukopenia requires hospitalization with intensive care in most cases, and many cats do not survive. The best approach is prevention and luckily, the vaccine for panleukopenia is very safe and effective.
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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
Feline immunodeficiency virus can be transmitted during gestation (in-utero) from nursing mothers to their kittens or via bite wounds (saliva to blood). This is a retrovirus that attacks the immune system. Cats with FIV are more likely to get secondary infections because of their compromised immune systems. Many cats with FIV can live normally for years before they become ill, and many studies have shown it does not shorten their lifespan.
Cats with FIV may also be more prone to certain dental conditions and should be monitored closely by a vet for this condition. There is a non-core vaccine for FIV that is not appropriate for all cats, however, those at high risk of acquiring FIV including outdoor cats or cats who live with FIV+ cats may benefit from being vaccinated.
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Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
Feline leukemia is a retrovirus that is extremely contagious and can be spread through casual contact, such as shared food dishes or litter boxes, grooming each other, as well as in-utero from a mother cat or during nursing. FeLV suppresses the immune system and causes several other syndromes that are nearly always fatal.
In some cases, cats may have a regressive infection where the virus is not actively replicating and this will cause some tests to become negative. These cats tend to have lower risks of developing FeLV-related diseases, however the virus can become reactivated. There is a non-core vaccine that can be used to prevent FeLV infection and this is most appropriate for outdoor cats who are at high risk of contracting FeLV.
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Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Feline infectious peritonitis is a strange disease in that it is a mutated form of a very common infection in cats caused by feline coronavirus. Coronavirus is a very common virus in cats and most cats will have very mild symptoms which completely resolve on their own. However, in rare cases, this same coronavirus can mutate into FIP, which is almost always fatal.
Cats who live with many other cats may be more at risk, and certain purebred cats also seem to be more likely to develop FIP, including Ragdolls, Abyssinians, Rexes, Himalayans, and Bengals. Symptoms can vary as there are multiple forms of FIP, but they may include lethargy, poor appetite, and weight loss.
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Intestinal Parasites
Kittens are susceptible to several intestinal parasites that may cause diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, an enlarged abdomen, and a dull coat. Left untreated, they can cause severe illness in a kitten. Dewormers are used to treat the parasites, but additional medications may be needed in some cases. The most common intestinal parasites in kittens include:
Roundworms are spaghetti-like worms that live in the intestines and feed on the nutrients eaten by the cat. They're often transmitted from a mother cat to her kittens, either in the womb or through nursing. Kittens and adult cats may also get these worms after eating contaminated soil or animals-insects with roundworms.
Hookworms are tiny worms that attach to the intestinal wall and feed on the cat's blood. They may be contracted after a kitten or cat comes into contact with contaminated soil.
Giardia is a protozoan parasite that can cause extreme illness, especially in kittens. It's often picked up after a cat drinks contaminated water or comes into close contact with an infected cat.
Coccidia is a single-celled organism that lives in the intestines and causes inflammation and irritation, especially in kittens. It's often contracted after a cat or kitten eats an infected rodent or the stool of an infected animal.
Tapeworms are transmitted by fleas and rarely cause signs, symptoms, or secondary problems.
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Fleas and Related Diseases
Fleas are more than just a nuisance, especially for kittens. Fleas often cause itching and skin problems, but they can also transmit disease:
Hemotropic Mycoplasmosis
Hemotropic mycoplasmosis, formerly called Hemobartonella or Hemobartonellosis, is a parasite of red blood cells that can cause anemia. It is potentially deadly, particularly in kittens, and infected cats may need blood transfusions as part of the treatment.The exact modes of transmission are not well understood but it is thought that it can be transmitted through fleas and mosquitos, as well as between mothers and kittens or via bite wounds.
Even if a kitten doesn't get hemotropic mycoplasmosis from fleas, a large infestation of fleas can cause a different type of serious anemia if enough blood is ingested by the fleas.This condition may also require a blood transfusion in addition to aggressive treatment of the flea infestation.
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Ear Mites
Ear mites are microscopic parasites that can infect a kitten's ears, causing intense itching and dark-colored debris. They are highly contagious and easily spread to cats and kittens through direct or indirect contact. Fortunately, ear mites in cats are fairly simple to treat using a topical medication.
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Fading Kitten Syndrome (FKS)
Fading kitten syndrome is a term used to describe the death of a newborn kitten for several causes. Anyone who has raised newborn kittens, especially those who need to be bottle-fed, is likely familiar with this syndrome, which may appear shortly after birth or up until kittens are weaned. There is no single cause, but many factors may play a role, including infections, congenital abnormalities, being exposed to extreme temperatures (hot or cold), and/or poor nutrition. In many cases, the cause is not identified as the kitten may decline rapidly and pass away before any diagnosis can be made.
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Some kittens are born without hearing, known as congenital deafness. This condition, while incurable, does not limit a cat's quality of life, but owners may notice that a deaf cat will vocalize more loudly, or play more aggressively with other cats. White cats with two blue eyes are at a higher risk of being deaf since these traits are often inherited together.
Deaf cats do not require specialized care, however, owners should be aware that they may startle awake since they won't hear someone approaching, so they should be gently roused. They should not be allowed outside since they cannot hear approaching danger.
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Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a degenerative orthopedic disorder that causes malformation and abnormal bone growth in one or both hips. Thought to be a genetic disease, it is rare in cats compared to dogs. In many cases, hip dysplasia can be corrected through surgery. Many cats with hip dysplasia will not be symptomatic for the disease, and in those cases, no medical intervention may be needed.
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Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease of the heart muscle caused by the thickening of the left ventricle. Certain breeds of cats are more prone to HCM than others, including Maine Coon Cats, Ragdolls, and Sphynx cats.
While there is often a genetic predisposition, it does not typically affect cats until they are over age 5. In other cats, the condition can arise secondarily to other medical problems including high blood pressure or hyperthyroidism. Regular veterinary check-ups are important to catch some of these pre-existing conditions and your vet can help you decide if a referral to a veterinary cardiologist is in order.
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Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia (FCH)
Feline cerebellar hypoplasia is caused by a neurological birth defect that occurs in the womb. It commonly occurs when the mother cat contracted feline distemper (panleukopenia virus) while she was pregnant, but other exposures can also cause the disease. Kittens with CH usually show signs of an underdeveloped cerebellum including poor balance, tremors, and a wobbly gait.
There is no treatment for the condition, but many of these kittens learn to compensate very well and can have a good quality of life. The best prevention is to make sure cats are up to date on their vaccines to prevent the spread of panleukopenia. Pregnant cats should not be vaccinated with a modified live form of the vaccine, however, since this could induce CH in the kittens.
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Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Polycystic kidney disease is found most often in Persian cats and related breeds. It is a progressive genetic disease affecting the kidneys, and is often not diagnosed until later in life. Conscientious breeders are now testing their breeding queens in an effort to keep the PKD gene out of their line.
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Rabies is a deadly viral disease that causes neurological dysfunction. It's transmitted through a bite from an infected mammal. While rabies is not commonly seen in cats and kittens, the virus is prevalent enough among wildlife that it's considered a serious risk to both humans and domestic animals. There's no cure or treatment for rabies, but the legally-mandated vaccine is highly effective against the virus.